Congratulations Making Waves Academy!
It has been a really eventful month for the 5C community! Building on our success at the candidate forum, last week Making Waves Academy came before the Contra Costa County Board of Education for its charter renewal. The Making Waves community mobilized 151 people in person and 50 online for the Board vote in support of the renewal and it passed unanimously with all five CCCBOE trustees voting yes. Comments from the Board noted the level of support and the remarkable fact that not a single voice was raised in opposition with Trustee Annette Lewis noting, "Many times when we have charter renewals or charter appeals we have people in the audience opposing. We also usually get emails and messages about people opposing the renewal or charter appeal. I got zero. It's telling that even though this is a public notice meeting, there are not people speaking out against, which really is a telling event."
Maribel Gonzalez
October 29, 2024